Fire and Rescue - Human Services - Pathways - Programs - Careerline Tech Center

Fire and Rescue

This program is currently under development and will launch in the Fall 2025-26 school year. 

The classes for this program will be held at CTC East campus, which is currently being renovated to house Fire and Rescue along with EMS and Public Safety & Security Services.

The Fire and Rescue program will teach students the basics of firefighting and other lifesaving and rescue skills. In following suit with Careerline Tech Center career and technical education training standards, this program will include a combination of classroom instruction, laboratory learning, work-based learning, and student leadership. Instructors will help students develop critical skills and prepare for career opportunities. Additional benefits may include earning certifications and building a professional social network.

Related Careers:
Firefighter, Fire Inspector, Hazardous Materials Removal, Paramedic, Emergency Medical Technician, Forest and Conservation Worker