CTC Scholarships - Student Services - Careerline Tech Center

CTC Scholarships

Important Information

All documents and information should be submitted electronically through your Scholarship Account.  You will receive an email with an "Access Scholarship Account" link upon completing the Online Application.  Please make sure to notify your references that they will be receiving an emailed reference request.

Accessing your Scholarship Account will allow you to monitor which requirements have been completed.  It is your responsibility to make sure all of the requirements are met.  You will not be eligible for a scholarship until all of the requirements have been completed.

Important Dates
The application will be live on January 6, 2025.
The application will be taken offline on January 31, 2025
The Essay, Resume, Transcript, and Reference Forms are due February 21, 2025.

Applicant Requirements

In order to complete the process, you must:

  • Be a High School Senior who attended the Careerline Tech Center for at least 1 year.
  • Submit the Online Application
  • Upload your Resume to your Scholarship Account
  • Upload your Essay to your Scholarship Account
  • Have a completed Character Reference (Counselor, Teacher, Coach, Paraprofessional, or adult involved with your education)
  • Have a completed CTC Instructor Reference
  • Upload your High School Transcript to your Scholarship Account.

To complete this process, follow these steps:

Step 1: Complete the Online Application.  Make sure to ONLY check the box(s) next to the scholarships you are eligible for.  Click on Submit when finished.  After submitting the Application, you will receive a Confirmation Email.  This email will provide a link to allow you to access your Scholarship Account

External Link Online Scholarship Application

Step 2: In the confirmation email, click on the "Access Scholarship Account" link.  This will open your Scholarship Account. Click "Request Reference or Transcript".  Choose "Character Reference" from the dropdown box and enter their valid email address.  Click submit and an email will be sent to them with a link to complete the form.  The Character Reference can be a Teacher, Counselor, Coach, Paraprofessional, or Adult involved with your education who is not a family member or friend.  Please follow up with your Character Reference to make sure they received the email and that they can complete the form.

Step 3: In the confirmation email, click on the "Access Scholarship Account" link.  This will open your Scholarship Account.  Click "Request Reference or Transcript".  Choose "CTC Instructor Reference" from the dropdown box and enter their valid email address.  Click submit and an email will be sent to them with a link to complete the form.  Please follow up with your Instructor to make sure they received the email and that they can complete the form.

Step 4: In the confirmation email, click the "Access Scholarship Account" link.  This will open your Scholarship Account.  Click "Request Reference or Transcript".  Choose "Transcript" from the dropdown box and enter the valid email address of the School Registrar or Counselor that can upload an electronic copy of your High School Transcript.  The student can manually upload their transcript to the Scholarship Account by entering their own email address, which will send an email to the student with instruction to upload the transcript.  

Step 5: The Resume or Essay can be uploaded to the Scholarship Account by clicking on the "Access Scholarship Account" link from the confirmation email.  There will be two links, one for uploading the Resume and one for uploading the Essay.  Click on the Browse button, find the file and click OK.  The document should be uploaded.  Please submit your Essay and Resume as a PDF file.