Quick Checks and Growth Charts
Options for using Growth Charts and Quick Checks to progress monitor individual student growth and set personal learning goals:
- When beginning targeted support with large groups of students using Visual Guided Practice and Online Practice.
- When revisiting readiness standards as distributed practice after students received targeted intervention in flexible, small groups.
1st Grade Readiness
2nd Grade Readiness
3rd Grade Readiness
Quick Check and Guided Review Answer Keys
RS1 - 2.NBT.3 (Identify numbers to 1,000)
RS2 - 2.NBT.8 (Mentally add and subtract 10 or 100 to a number between 100 and 900)
RS3 - 2.NBT.4 (Compare numbers to 1000)
RS4 - 2.OA.2a (Add numbers to 20)
RS5 - 2.OA.2b (Subtract numbers within 20)
4th Grade Readiness
Quick Check and Guided Review Answer Keys
RS1 - 3.NBT.2a (Add three-digit numbers)
RS2 - 3.NBT.2b (Subtract three-digit numbers)
RS3 - 3.OA.7a (Multiply numbers from 0-10)
RS4 - 3.OA.7b (Divide numbers by 1 to 10)
RS5 - 3.NF.1 (Identify fractions and their parts)
RS6 - 3.NF.2 (Name fractions and their parts)
RS7 - 3.NF.3d (Compare fractions with the same numerator or same denominator)
5th Grade Readiness
Quick Check and Guided Review Answer Keys
RS1 - 4.NBT.5 (Multiply up to a four-digit by a one-digit number and two two-digit numbers)
RS2 - 4.NBT.6 (Divide up to a four-digit number by a one-digit number)
RS3 - 4.NF.2 (Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators)
RS4 - 4.NF.3b (Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers)
RS5 - 4.NF.3c (Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators)
6th Grade Readiness
Quick Check and Guided Review Answer Keys
RS1 - 5.OA.1 (Evaluate number expressions using
RS2 - 5.NBT.5 (Multiply multi-digit numbers)
RS3 - 5.NBT.6 (Divide four-digit numbers)
RS4 - 5.NF.1 (Add and subtract mixed numbers with
different denominators)
RS5 - 5.NF.4b (Multiply fractions)
7th Grade Readiness
Quick Check and Guided Review Answer Keys
RS1 - 6.NS.1 (Multiply and divide fractions)
RS2 - 6.NS.6c (Find ordered pairs on a coordinate plane)
RS3 - 6.EE.2a (Translate algebraic expressions between words and symbols)
RS4 - 6.EE.2c (Evaluate algebraic expressions. Note: Use whole number exponents and no parentheses)
8th Grade Readiness
Quick Check and Guide Review Answer Keys
RS1 - 7.NS.1d (Add and subtract integers between -10 and 10)
RS2 - 7.NS.2c (Multiply and divide by integers between -10 and 10)
RS3 - 7.EE.1a (Add and subtract linear expressions)
RS4 - 7.EE.1b (Expand linear expressions)
Algebra 1 Readiness
Quick Check and Guided Review Answer Keys
RS2 - 8.EE.7a (Find the number of solutions to linear equations in one variable)
RS3 - 8.F.4 (Find the equation of a line)
RS4 - 8.EE.1 (Find equivalent numerical expressions using properties of integer exponents)
RS5 - 8.EE.2 (Solve non-linear equations using square roots and cube roots)