Virtual Card Sorts - Tier 2 Intervention - Delta Math

Virtual Card Sorts

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External LinkK.OA.5a: Add Numbers to 5 - Match each addition problem (pink) with the five-frame problem (yellow), five-frame solution (blue), and answer card (purple).

External Link1.OA.6a: Add Numbers to 10 - Match each addition problem (pink) with the ten-frames problem (yellow), ten-frames solution (blue), and answer card (purple).

External Link2.OA.2a: Add Numbers to 20 - Match each addition problem (pink) with the ten-frames problem (yellow), ten-frames solution (blue), and answer card (purple).

External LinkK.OA.5b: Subtract Numbers within 5 - Match each subtraction problem (pink) with the five-frame solution (yellow), "Think add to subtract" strategy (blue), and answer card (purple).

External Link1.OA.6c: Subtract Numbers within 10  - Match each subtraction problem (pink) with the ten-frame solution (yellow), "Think add to subtract" strategy (blue), and answer card (purple).

External Link2.OA.2b: Subtract Numbers within 20 - Match each subtraction problem (pink) with the ten-frames solution (yellow), "Think add to subtract" strategy (blue), and answer card (purple).

External Link3.OA.7a: Multiply Numbers from 0 to 10 - Match each multiplication problem (pink) with the ten frames solution (yellow), area model solution (blue) and answer card (purple).

External Link3.OA.7b: Divide numbers by 1 to 10 - Match each division problem (pink) with the area model solution (yellow), "Think multiply to divide" strategy (blue), and answer card (purple).

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External Link7.NS.1d: Add and Subtract Integers – Sort 1 of 2 - Match each subtraction problem (pink) with the "add the opposite" strategy (yellow), model using integer tiles (blue) and answer card (purple).

External Link7.NS.1d: Add and Subtract Integers – Sort 2 of 2 - Match each subtraction problem (blue) with the "add the opposite" strategy (yellow), and answer card (green).

External Link7.NS.2c: Multiply and Divide Integers - Sort 1 of 2 - Match each model using integer tiles with the unknown multiplication problem (yellow), division problem (blue) and answer card (green).

External Link7.NS.2c: Multiply and Divide Integers - Sort 2 of 2 - Match each division problem (blue) with the "Think multiply to divide" strategy (yellow) and answer card (green).

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External Link3.NF.1: Identify Fractions and Their Parts - Match each fraction picture (pink) with the description (yellow), fraction (blue) and part of the fraction (purple).

External Link3.NF.2: Name Fractions on a Number Line - Match each equal part (pink) with the number line (yellow), point on the number line (blue) and value of the point (purple).

External Link3.NF.3d: Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator or Same Denominator - Sort 1 - Match each fraction comparison with the fraction strip representations, and correct inequality sign of the same color. Note: Three equality cards will not be used!

External Link3.NF.3d: Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator or Same Denominator - Sort 2 - Match each fraction comparison card with the correct thinking strategy and inequality sign of the same color and the correct reason. Note: Six cards will not be used!

External Link4.NF.2: Compare Fractions with Different Numerators and Different Denominators - Sort 1 - Match each fraction comparison card with the fraction strip representations of each fraction and the correct inequality sign of the same color. Note: Three equality cards will not be used!

External Link4.NF.2: Compare Fractions with Different Numerators and Different Denominators - Sort 2 - Match each fraction comparison card with two supporting statements (white) and the correct inequality sign of the same color. Note: Three cards will not be used!

External Link4.NF.3b: Convert Between Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers - Sort 1 - Match each improper fraction card (blue) with two visual representations and the equivalent mixed number (green).

External Link4.NF.3b: Convert Between Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers - Sort 2 - Match each improper fraction card (blue) with it's whole number conversion (yellow), equivalent addition sentence (pink) and mixed number (green).

External Link4.NF.3c: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators - Sort 1 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent visual problem (yellow), visual solution (pink) and answer card (green).

External Link4.NF.3c: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators - Sort 2 - Match each problem card (blue) with the three other color cards that have, or show, the same values.

External Link5.NF.1: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers with Different Denominators - Sort 1 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent visual problem (yellow), visual solution (pink) and answer card (green).

External Link5.NF.1: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers with Different Denominators - Sort 2 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent problem using common denominators (yellow), visual solution (pink) and answer card (green).

External Link4.NF.4b: Multiply a Whole Number by a Fraction - Sort 1 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent visual problem (yellow), visual solution (pink) and answer card (green).

External Link4.NF.4b: Multiply a Whole Number by a Fraction - Sort 2 - Match each problem card (blue) with the three other color cards that have, or show, the same values.

External Link5.NF.4b: Multiply a Fraction by a Fraction - Sort 1 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent verbal description, area model, and answer card (green).

External Link5.NF.4b: Multiply a Fraction by a Fraction - Sort 2 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent verbal description, area model, and answer card (green).

External Link5.NF.7a: Divide a Unit Fraction by a Whole Number - Sort 1 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent verbal description, area model, and answer card (green).

External Link5.NF.7a: Divide a Unit Fraction by a Whole Number - Sort 2 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent verbal description, area model, and "think multiply to divide" strategy and answer card (green).

External Link5.NF.7b: Divide a Whole Number by a Unit Fraction - Sort 1 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent verbal description, area model, and answer card (green).

External Link5.NF.7b: Divide a Whole Number by a Unit Fraction - Sort 2 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent verbal description, area model, and "think multiply to divide" strategy and answer card (green).

External Link6.NS.1: Multiply and Divide Fractions – Sort 1 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent verbal description, area model, and answer card (green).

External Link6.NS.1: Multiply and Divide Fractions – Sort 2 - Match each problem card (blue) with the equivalent verbal description, written as a single fraction, and answer card (green).