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Annual Web Report

2023-2024 FISCAL YEAR

This report is a welcome opportunity for OAISD to communicate with our community about how we utilize the resources provided to us. Our spending decisions support our mission to provide and enrich educational opportunities for students, schools, and communities.

In partnership, Ottawa Area Intermediate School District and its member schools serve approximately 48,000 students ages 0-26 throughout Ottawa and parts of Allegan Counties. OAISD operates programs located in building sites throughout Ottawa County.

Intermediate school districts (ISDs) serve as a regional support system for all public, charter and non-public schools in their geographically defined area. There are 56 Intermediate School Districts (ISDs) or Regional Education Service Agencies (RESAs) in Michigan. Because each region is unique in terms of geography, economic condition, and population, no two ISDs are alike, and each reflects the unique features of its region.

Each ISD strives to meet the needs of its constituent schools and districts. All ISDs offer leadership, programs, and services in the areas of instruction, career and technical education, special education and technology. Ottawa Area ISD is comprised of 742 square miles of primarily Ottawa and parts of Allegan counties. Our programming reflects a system of lifelong learning which serves children from birth to age 26, and adult students of all ages.

Total Budget$182,420,401
Pupil FTE's47,849
ISD Employees592
Constituent Districts, PSAs, Nonpublic Schools38

In order to provide leadership, educational programming, and innovative services to our schools, districts and communities, Ottawa Area ISD (OAISD) staff spend time seeking out best practices, furthering their knowledge and skills, and sharing perspectives. This may involve travel to conferences, meetings and professional development events both within and outside of OAISD. Because OAISD staff members frequently serve as a centralized delivery point for information to and from our area schools and districts, they may travel more frequently and greater distances, than their local district counterparts. The law requires us to report travel expenses in excess of $4,841

2023-24 FY Categories for C. Lamer, Chief Financial Officer
FY 2023-24 Total Cost of Air Fare$ 1,307.65
FY 2023-24 Total Cost of Overnight Lodging$ 3,743.99
FY 2023-24 Total Cost of Car Rental$ 0
FY 2023-24 Total Cost of Meals$ 831.39

10/18/2023 - 10/23/2023AGRIP GOVERNANCE CONFERENCE
National Harbor, MD
03/02/2024 - 03/06/2024 AGRIP GOVERNANCE CONFERENCE
Nashville, TN
04/13/2024 - 04/18/2024ASU & GSV SUMMIT
San Diego, CA

2023-24 FY Categories for T. Mannes, Director of Early Childhood
FY 2023-24 Total Cost of Air Fare$ 1,561.76
FY 2023-24 Total Cost of Overnight Lodging$ 3,610.86
FY 2023-24 Total Cost of Car Rental$ 0
FY 2023-24 Total Cost of Meals$ 965.00

10/10/2023 - 10/13/2023HELP ME GROW FORUM
Fort Wayne, TX
San Diego, CA
03/05/2024 - 03/09/2024APBS CONFERENCE
Chicago, IL
04/15/2024 - 04/19/2024PYRAMID MODEL CONFERENCE
Tampa, FL

Intermediate School Districts (ISDs) occasionally enter into contracts with vendors to perform specific services that would not be cost-effective or reasonable for the ISD to provide on its own. ISDs must follow state requirements for seeking competitive bids on some purchases.

Any contract modifications in excess of $25,000 are detailed below.

Modification Description for FY 2023-24Additional AmountRevised Total
No Contract Modifications for the 2023-24 School Year.Not ApplicableNot Applicable

ISD employees are compensated according to a number of criteria including work-related experience, degree level, years of service and market-related indicators. The OAISD Superintendent acts as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the organization and reports to an elected five-member Board of Education. The Superintendent is responsible for the management of more than $100 million in funds, nearly 600 staff members, and several buildings and program sites.

Administrators, building/program directors, and consultant staff are highly educated and experienced staff members who are responsible for the day to day operation of instructional programs, the provision of leadership and consulting services to local schools/districts and the management of key infrastructure operations within the organization. The top three percent most highly compensated staff members are listed below. Please note that the three percent calculation is based on our Registry of Educational Personnel (opens in a new window) reported number minus bus drivers who are employed by a separate transportation agency.

This high capacity broadband network connects schools and districts and improves the delivery of Internet, instructional and administrative resources while reducing overall costs. The construction of the fiber infrastructure includes 101 miles of fiber cable, 2,000 poles, 28 permits with townships and cities, and seven formal partnerships with area colleges/universities, Ottawa County, and other utility-related entities. OAISD is also committed to the leadership and resources required to research, design and manage the implementation of major program initiatives that have the potential to enhance instruction and district operations.

Fund Source for FY 2023-24Expenditures for Fiber Optics or Cable Equipment

No expenditures for fiber optic or cable equipment or operating system software for fiber optic or cable equipment networks.


Intermediate schools districts and regional educational service agencies were created by the Michigan legislature in 1962 to ensure that all students would have access to equitable and high-quality educational opportunities. Because public education is funded and regulated by both the state and federal governments, it is sometimes necessary for ISDs to utilize resources to fund activities that promote public accountability, provide important data and information, ensure legal compliance and provide for communication with government agencies and elected officials. In all of our activities in this area, the goal is to represent the best interests of our students and to ensure the continued viability of educational opportunities in the Ottawa area.

Cost savings can often be realized by contracting with companies for projects which are limited in duration or highly specialized in nature. Related information is listed below.

Educating students is a complex business that requires highly skilled teachers and administrators, the analysis of important business/instructional data, and the purchase of administrative support services in highly specialized areas. Ensuring student achievement through the direct administration of education and by supporting the instructional initiatives of our local schools/districts is the core mission of OAISD and represents a significant portion of our budget.

Our administrators are charged with "leading the leaders" and must be knowledgeable and highly skilled in their areas of expertise. In addition to the Superintendent, who is responsible for overseeing the entire organization, OAISD employs administrators who manage operations and provide leadership in the areas of general, career/technical, adult and special education; curriculum development, finance/accounting, technology, human resources and communications.

Expenditure for FY 2023-2024AmountPercent of Budget
Administrative Costs



Public Relations, surveys, polling, lobbying, legal fees (Portion included above in Section G.)



Because Ottawa Area ISD serves students, schools, and districts spanning a 742 square mile area, motor vehicle transportation is necessary to carry out vital operations and provide transportation to students in a number of programs. Ottawa Area ISD includes all of Ottawa County and parts of Allegan County.