Email Communications - Information & Support - Delta Math

Email Communications

PDF Document5/22/2024

  • Enrollment Process for 2024-25
  • Summer School Implementation
  • Data Availability after June 14, 2024


PDF Document4/15/2024

  • Summer Readiness and Progress Screeners
  • 2023-24 Data Availability
  • Kindergarten Readiness Screeners and Number Sense
  • Secondary Math Geometry Readiness


PDF Document2/8/2024

  • Tier 1 Math Support
  • New Practice Screeners
  • Fluency Strategy Support
  • High Impact Tutoring (Michigan Grant: 23H – Section 4)


PDF Document11/01/2023

  • Enrollment Preparation for Winter Screening
  • New Kindergarten and Geometry Readiness Screeners
  • Kids Back on Track Program


PDF Document06/28/2023

  • Littera Education Partnership with Ottawa Area ISD
  • New Implementation Video
  • Visual Fluency Cards


PDF Document05/18/2023

  • Geometry Readiness Screeners
  • Math Tiered Fidelity Inventory
  • Visual Fluency Cards

PDF Document04/20/2023

  • Summer School Online Access
  • Summer School Implementation Guide
  • Data Availability

PDF Document02/28/2023

  • Spring Screening Cycle
  • Summer School and 2022-23 Data Availability
  • Secondary Math Geometry

PDF Document02/06/2023

  • Tier 1 Identification and Support
  • Intervention Group Report Recommendations
  • New practice problems for measuring proficiency with math facts
  • Updates to the Screening and Reporting Website

PDF Document10/27/2022

  • Winter Readiness and Tier 3 Screeners
  • Updated Screening Cycle Start Dates
  • Celebrate Student Success!

PDF Document09/30/2022

  • New Progress Screeners
  • Options for Assessing Math Fact Proficiency
  • Support for Using the Intervention Lessons

PDF Document08/02/2022

  • Enrollment Preparation for Fall Screening  
  • Changes to Assessing Math Fact Proficiency   
  • New Data Wall Report
  • Implementation Planning Guides