MI School Data Access Form
In order to get an account for MI School Data, please take and fill out the following form. Once this form is filled out, it will be verified and checked with the district and then your account will created and information sent to you for logging in. We must keep a record on file that you have reviewed and received the FERPA/HIPAA information.
Form Instructions
- You will be asked to enter your email address. Enter your district email address.
- You will be presented with 16 questions about FERPA and HIPAA. Answer each one. All are required.
- After the quiz there are fields to fill in your demographic information such as name, email address and other information to help identify your role in the system. Fill out these fields.
- You will be asked for your superintendent or designee in your district that would approve your account and their email address.
- Finally, you will type in your name as a signature that you filled out this form.
- Once the form is complete, click the Submit button. Then click the Review your Answers button when presented and review your quiz results.
- Once the Ottawa ISD is notified of your form submission, we will process the form by getting approval from your district designee and then create your account. You will then receive notification with your account information and instructions for finishing your account creation.