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OurSchoolData is a Data Warehouse that we partner with that is operated by Kent Intermediate School District.  The Data Warehouse contains data from student management systems, Michigan assessment systems such as MEAP, MME, ELPA and MI-Access and other custom assessment data unique to a district. Users access the system through the OurSchoolData portal's simplified interface to run reports and analyze the data that is accessible to them.

 OurSchoolData Portal (new window)

How do I get access?

The first step is to contact your district's OurSchoolData administrator (typically from the curriculum office).  If you do not know who that is, please contact us and we can assist.

Do I need to sign an agreement?

Signed agreements are no longer required.  It is part of the login process and will annually prompt you to submit a new agreement.

What data can I send?

OurSchoolData can handle just about any data set.