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About Us

Young Adult Services is the umbrella under which all of our programs and services fall. We serve students who are eligible for special education from 18-26 years of age.

PDF DocumentTransition Services Open Meeting Overview Presentation

Young Adult Services Transition Services Q & A

Who qualifies for YAS Transition Services?

Adult students, ages 18-26, who are receiving special education services and residents of Ottawa County and parts of Allegan County that are within the Ottawa Area ISD service region. These students have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and have not earned credits toward a high school diploma.

What is the process for transitioning to post-secondary services?

Transition planning for eligible students begins at age 16 upon referral by the local school district and is a collaboration between the student and their parents/guardians, local school staff and Ottawa Area ISD special education services staff.

The family and student complete an application and an assessment designed to identify services that help them achieve their postsecondary goals and achieve maximum independence. Assessments are reviewed along with progress
monitoring data to coordinate appropriate services.

What types of special education transition services are available through Ottawa Area ISD?

Our transition services focus on building skills such as employability, social-emotional, communication and household independence. These services are delivered throughout the community to allow for generalization to real life situations.

Why has an assessment recently been added to the process?

Ottawa Area ISD is working to ensure alignment of service delivery for adult students, age 18-26, with federal regulations and state requirements. The assessment adds another level of evaluation in determining individual student needs and goals for a more personalized plan for services and success.

What legal requirements exist for special education services within local public and intermediate school districts?

Public school institutions must comply with the U.S. Department of Education’s Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Michigan Department of Education’s Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education(MARSE) .


  • A results-oriented process focused on improving academic and functional performance to facilitate movement from school to post-school activities
  • Are based on individual needs, taking into account a student’s strengths, preferences and interests
  • May be special education or related services
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John Koerner

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Olivia Zienert

Assistant Director
Young Adult Services 12360 Felch Street Holland, MI 49424 Phone: 616-738-8944 Map